Our Classrooms

As Seeds of Wonder grows, we will aim to create classrooms grouped by ages. However, in the near future we will offer an infant classroom (Little Seeds) for children 0-12 months old, and multiage classrooms for children 1 and up based on availability and capacity, always ensuring that we are differentiating activities and experiences according to children's interests and skills:

Little Seeds: (0-12m)

In the infant class our children are welcomed as young as 6 weeks old. Smiling for the first time, standing and waving “bye-bye” are some of the developmental milestones your baby will master in this classroom. The teachers are loving, caring and passionate caregivers that create a unique bond with the children and beside being there to fulfill the children's daily basic needs, they design age appropriate experiences to provoke motor, language and cognitive skills development.

We understand that this is the age where the baby's brain is developing at a faster pace and that the first year of life is full of learning, discovery and wonder.

Our babies learn to straighten their muscles in preparation for crawling, walking and eventually running. We also know that the receptive language is being developed and our teachers are there to take advantage of the opportunity to provide as many learning opportunities as possible. Spanish is spoken 100% of the day during their constant interactions. Tummy time, puppets, songs, rhymes, story time and outdoor time are for sure some of the daily experiences in this class.

Stems (multiage)

In the Stem class, our children are ready to start experimenting a lot more about their surroundings. They are curious about textures, colors, sounds and flavors. Their senses and eagerness to explore with their bodies becomes their way of constructing knowledge on every experience. This is why the teachers of Stems are prepared to offer the children daily opportunities to do art, play and build by touching and manipulating a variety of materials. In this variety the children discover new feelings and construct new knowledge.

Sprouts (multiage)

Our Sprouts are in the age where the interest for social interaction increases. They are also moving around more, and are more aware of themselves and their surroundings. During this age, the children show greater independence and begin to show their personalities through their behavior. Children in this class also find interest in imitating behavior of others, especially their teachers or older children. This is particularly key for the teachers, because by providing the children with a lot of vocabulary, songs, behaviors and specially a consistent daily routine, toddlers develop a sense of anticipation, Spanish and social rules.

In this classroom, we see how the children begin to say their first Spanish words, show interest in potty training among other developmental milestones.

Sweet Peas (multiage)

In the preschool class the children become more independent and begin to focus more on their interactions with those around them which will help to shape their personality and their own ways of thinking. During this age, children start showing more curiosity about nature, literacy, science, math and their abilities to use their body to accomplish new challenges. The teachers work on providing the preschoolers with opportunities to ride a tricycle, use safety scissors, notice a difference and similarity in natural events, help to dress and undress themselves, play with other children, recall part of a story, and identify letters and numbers .

Oaks (multiage)

With our play based and project based approach in mind, we concentrate this last year of preschool in preparing our children for kindergarten. The teachers in the pre-k class design lesson plans that target literacy, math, science and art skills in preparation for the challenges ahead. The children will incorporate a wide variety of natural elements and other materials to manipulate while developing targeted skills. They will count with rocks, model letters with wire, trace words on sand and understand science with the help of experiments and the use of the light table, to mention a few examples.